Como no próximo semestre, estarei ministrando a disciplina Tópicos Especiais em Processo Decisório e Sistemas de Apoio a Decisão (optativa), onde estarei trabalhando com o conteúdo de Lógica Fuzzy, será muito interessante trabalharmos em artigos científicos individuais e que possam ser submetidos a este congresso.
Para aqueles que se interessam na disciplina, é importante que já pensem em algo individual para que possamos somar idéias diferentes e intessantes, objetivando uma visão de diferentes aplicações em tomada de decisão.
Estou disponibilizando o download do artigo que publiquei em 2006 neste congresso que foi realizado no Canadá para que vocês possam ter uma idéia.
Abaixo segue o e-mail que recebi com os detalhes do congresso e os principais deadlines.
Website:; E-mail:
The 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2010) is the largest technical event in the field of computational intelligence. It will host three conferences: the 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2010), the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2010), and the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010). IEEE WCCI 2010 will be held in Barcelona, a Mediterranean city located in a privileged position on the northeastern coast of Spain. Barcelona combines history, art, architecture, and charm within a pleasant, and efficient urban environment where meet old friends, and make new ones. The congress will provide a stimulating forum for scientists, engineers, educators, and students from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on computational intelligence.
Call for Contributed Papers
The annual International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) is the premier international conference in the area of neural networks theory, analysis and applications. It covers all topics in the field of artificial neural networks, including:
- Mathematical and theoretical methods
- Neurocomputational formulations and models
- Learning and adaptation
- Connectionist methods in cognitive functions
- Hybrid systems
- Neuro-technologies and neuro-engineering
- Applications of Artificial Neural Networks
For more details visit
The annual IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) is one of the leading events in the field of fuzzy systems. It covers all topics in fuzzy systems including:
- Theory
- Decision Making & Human Machine Interface
- Web Applications
- Informatics & Analytics
- Engineering & Hardware
- Hybrids & Other Applications
For more details visit
The annual IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC) is one of the leading events in the field of evolutionary computation. It covers all topics in evolutionary computation including:
- Algorithms
- Theory and Implementation
- Optimization
- Real-World Applications
- Hybrid Systems of Computational Intelligence
- Representations and Operators
For more details visit
All papers should be submitted electronically through the Congress website Contributed papers will be refereed by experts in the fields based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality and clarity.
For general inquiries, please contact General Chair Pilar Sobrevilla at For program inquiries, contact Conference Chairs: Alberto Prieto (IJCNN) at; Piero Bonissone (FUZZ-IEEE) at; or Gary Fogel (IEEE CEC) at
Call for Special Sessions
IEEE WCCI 2010 Program Committees solicit proposals for special sessions within the technical scopes of the three conferences. Special sessions, to be organized by international recognized experts, aim to bring together researchers in special focused topics. Cross-fertilization of the three technical disciplines and newly emerging research areas is strongly encouraged. Papers submitted for special sessions are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the contributed papers. Researchers interested in organizing special sessions are invited to submit formal proposal filling in the form available on the web site
Call for Tutorials and Workshops
IEEE WCCI 2010 will also feature pre-congress tutorials and workshops, covering fundamental and advanced computational intelligence topics. A tutorial or workshop proposal should include title, outline, expected enrollment, and presenter/organizer biography. Inquires regarding the tutorials and workshops should be addressed to Tutorials and Workshops Chairs: Jennie Sii or Amaury Lendasse (IJCNN); Dimitar P. Filev or Keeley Crockett (FUZZ-IEEE); Clare Bates Congdon or Yaochu Jin (IEEE CEC).
For additional information and e-mail contacts visit
Call for Competitions
IEEE WCCI 2010 will host competitions to stimulate research in computational intelligence, promote fair evaluations, and attract students. The proposals should include descriptions of the problems addressed, motivations and expected impact on computational intelligence, data description, evaluation procedures and established baselines, schedules, anticipated number of participants, and a biography of the main team members. We invite you to submit proposals to the respective Competitions Chairs: Isabelle Guyon or Xiao Hu (IJCNN); Hao Ying or Paul Gader (FUZZ-IEEE); Dan Ashlock, Phil Hingston or Simon Lucas (IEEE CEC).
For additional information and e-mail contacts visit
Important Dates
Competition proposals: November 15, 2009
Special Sessions proposals: December 13, 2009
Notification of Special Session acceptance: December 22, 2009
Paper submission: January 31, 2010
Tutorial and Workshop proposal: February 14, 2010
Notification of Tutorial and Workshop acceptance: February 22, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: March 15, 2010
Final paper submission: May 2, 2010
Early registration: May 23, 2010
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